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Saturday 27 July 2024
Italiano English



Musei Etnografico degli Indios dell'Amazzonia

Assisi (PG)
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Musei del Tesoro della Basilica di San Francesco e Collezione Perkins

Assisi (PG)
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Galleria d'arte contemporanea della Pro Civitate Christiana

Assisi (PG)
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Museo Pericle Fazzini

Assisi (PG)
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Geology and Paleontology exhibition

Geology and Paleontology exhibition Assisi (PG) -  Environmental Education Activities in Monte Subasio Park The educational activities in Monte Subasio Park are carried out by the Association G.U.M.P. (Gruppo Umbro Mineralogico e Paleontologico) and by the National Forest Service. Together with G.U.M.P. it is possible to carry out guided visits to the Permanent Exhibit annexed to the Geopaleontology Ecological Lab of the Park Offices. G.U.M.P. Environmental Education Activities Geopaleontology Ecological Lab - Gruppo Umbro ...
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Along Via San Francesco

Assisi (PG) - Coming from the Basilica of St Francis, Via San Francesco runs all the way to Piazza del Comune. Immediately on the left stands the Casa dei Maestri Comacini, which in the 15th century belonged to the master builders working in the Assisi area. The long Baroque facade that follows Palazzo
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Musei d'Arte Contemporanea Padre Felice Rossetti

Assisi (PG)
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Monuments in the Old Town Centre

Assisi (PG) - The abundance of monuments in Assisi makes this city one of Italy's most popular tourist destinations. Centuries of history have left a precious heritage made up of churches, palazzi, castles and ruins.
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Pinacoteca Comunale of Assisi

Assisi (PG) - Housed in the 17th century Palazzo Vallemani, the Pinacoteca is made up of a rich nucleus of frescoes and a number of paintings from the 14th to the 17th century. Works are hung so as to highlight their provenance. Their distinctly secular and urban nature
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Santuario della Porziuncola

Assisi (PG)
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